Saturday, October 20, 2007

Say It Ain't So

save a tree

Ever since I've been a Yankees fan (not rabid, but... always there) I've liked and admired Joe Torre as a coach and a man. He radiates a quiet goodness that perfectly counters his melancholy resignedness. Which I guess is a good word for this week, as he essentially resigned, refusing to accept what he termed an insulting offer of compensation for his time and talent. I can only hope he read the more than 100 haikus (!) posted about him the Times' Joe Torre Haiku Contest.

Go Joe, live long, your
hangdog visage will linger
with me a long time


Anonymous said...

Pinstripes turn Dodger blue,
George is dumb to let you go,
Joe Torre is missed

Anonymous said...

Joe says "I've taken
all I can takes and I can't
takes no frigging more!"

(a high road salute to Popeye as well)

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