Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cocktails and Community

Had a great time last night at a well-attended cocktail reception celebrating 50 years of Downtown Lower Manhattan Association and honoring its founder, David Rockefeller.

Mayor Bloomberg was there, as were a host of business and political muckety-mucks, all of whom were very well behaved. The hors d'oevres were delightful, the cocktails flowed freely, and the parting gift was truly lovely -- a crystal possible coaster (picture left). I didn't attend for the freebies, I assure you, however; I believe strongly in the importance of the organization's mission to enhance the quality of life in Lower Manhattan.

The event was held on the 60th floor of One Chase Manhattan Plaza, which, as you would imagine, has amazing views. I was hoping to regale Mr. Rockefeller with tales of working in his grandfather's building, the Standard Oil building, where I and my colleagues sat out the events of 9/11, trapped a few short blocks from the crumbling Towers. It would have been even more apropos, as the view last night included an impossible close-up of the top of the historic building. If you don't know it, please take a look at Tom Fletcher's New York Architecture.

More on the event

I was accompanied by A., who definitely did come for the treats. He also lured me to a highly unnecessary couple of nightcaps at Cendrillon, which I found absolutely charming, with the nicest of waiters and dizzying aroma of jasmine rice.


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