Okay, that last post was titled "Liquidity" because I had meant to mention the weirdness that was the occasion of me going into old standby National Wholesaler Liquidators on lower Broadway because I needed some cheap hand towels (cat-related; don't ask). That's right, folks, NWL is... liquidating. What do you do when your liquidator... liquidates?
Well, you buy a whole lot of things you really REALLY don't need (I'm talking questionable surge protectors and old lipstick) for really cheap. Note: sorry I had to link to but I couldn't locate a better link. And it's funny, if you have time. Especially the guy who feels the need to use a portion of his obviously precious time to post:
unfornately it was night time so i could talk to any body so i had to impatiiently wait for dawn to broke so at 9;15am i called and explained to the manager who told me i must come to the store with the receipt unfortunately for my i had misplaced the receipt and 2ndly i had a very busy week-end so i had to take the entire saturday and sunday to look for the receipt and finally i found inside my trash can.
I have to go now. I succumbed to a nasty cold/flu/wtf that has me feverish and dizzy and achy and the only respite is bed. I hate this. I do have to say that the outpouring of offers from outer borough friends to bring me soup and stuff warmed my heart. Which I needed (at least during the cold, shivery phase of my ailment). Winter sucks, no? But friends make it all worthwhile.