Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My life in bullet points

Oh shut up. Just be glad it's not another freaking PowerPoint, right? Okay. Going backward... tough day with Tribeca Film Festival and total, massive online rejection of any ticket-buying joy.

Current guilty-pleasure reading: The Straw Men by Michael Marshall. "Brilliantly written and scary as hell" -- Stephen King.

Easter in Harlem: wow. just wow. Riverside Church is gorgeous. But you knew that. Mom dragged me there and for me just being in an above-ground subway train in Harlem was WAY COOL. I know I sound like I'm 12. But that's what church does to you. The waaaaay long service was oddly punctuated with opportunities for people to grab your hand and that would've been jake if the lady next to me hadn't grabbed a mini -bottle of hand sanitizer right after giving me my paw back after three verses of Amazing Grace with totally made-up lyrics. No disrespect.

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